Farmers from Yaracuy describe the importance of overcoming the barriers of conventional research and moving towards participatory research

  • Beatriz Becerra Researcher. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Yaracuy State.
  • Egnis Colina promo


The work of providing assistance in the different areas of agriculture has been growing over the last few years. With the transformation process that the country is currently undergoing, the need has been created to provide assistance to producers. The National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA) has formed a team of men and women whose objective is to support farmers, rescuing and valuing ancestral knowledge, in addition to providing them with technical assistance in the different states of the country.


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How to Cite
Becerra, B., & Colina, E. (2012). Farmers from Yaracuy describe the importance of overcoming the barriers of conventional research and moving towards participatory research. INIA Divulga, 22(22), 37-40. Retrieved from