Characterization of grazing modules in dual-purpose farms
Grazing is the most efficient, simple and economical way of feeding livestock, where the animal eats the grass available in the pasture and manages to satisfy its nutritional needs, allowing for a quick recovery of the pasture. In the livestock farming established in Venezuela on natural pastures, in a high percentage, the rancher invests little capital and consequently the work rate is equally insignificant, a fact that has characterized our extensive livestock farming, with its consequent low productivity and profitability of the livestock business (Guzmán, 1996).
evaluación de los potreros como
herramienta para el manejo
eficiente del recurso pastizal.
Venezuela Bovina 85: 56-59.
Guzmán, J. E. 1996. Pastos y forrajes,
producción y aprovechamiento.
3era Edición. Espasande
Editores, Caracas
– Venezuela.
Millán, K. 2009. Evaluación y mejoramiento
de módulos de pastoreo
para becerros, en dos unidades
de producción del municipio
Manuel Monge, estado Yaracuy.
Tesis de pregrado. Universidad
Nacional Experimental Rómulo
Gallegos. 56 p.