Importance of land use capacity studies in agroecosystems with a fragile ecological balance located in the town of Cuyagua, Aragua state

  • Raúl Jiménez Reseacher INIA-CENIAP.
  • Jairo Nogales Research Associate Technician. INIA-CENIAP.
  • Manuel González Research Associate Technician. INIA-CENIAP.


In the state of Aragua, the lands with agricultural potential classified as low to extremely low are located in the mountainous areas of the Coastal Range and total 342,356 hectares; that is, 48.8% of the state of Aragua. Since they represent, in our territory, a significant percentage of soils with low agricultural potential, strategies must be sought for their sustainable use, in compliance with the principles clearly established in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in its articles 305 and 306. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the suitability of the soils of the sectors "Gato Negro" and "La Candelaria", belonging to the town of Cuyagua, Costa de Oro municipality in the state of Aragua, for the planting of agricultural crops in accordance with the local edaphoclimatic conditions. The soils of the mentioned sectors present specific slope conditions that make them vulnerable to agricultural practices not in accordance with their original state.


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How to Cite
Jiménez, R., Nogales, J., & González, M. (2012). Importance of land use capacity studies in agroecosystems with a fragile ecological balance located in the town of Cuyagua, Aragua state. INIA Divulga, 21(21), 38-40. Retrieved from