Benefits of biofertilizers in onions. Yields, production costs and dissemination of results. Part II

  • Jesús Sulbaran Agricultural Engineer. INSAI. National Institute of Comprehensive Agricultural Health.
  • Rafael Barrios Onion farmer from Guárico state
  • Marisol López Reseacher INIA-CENIAP.
  • Jairo Ferrer Professor. UNERG. Romulo Gallegos Experimental University.


In order to disseminate new agroecological technologies promoted by the Venezuelan State, their environmental and socioeconomic benefits, two types of biofertilizers in onion cultivation were evaluated. For a better understanding, this information was captured in two articles entitled "Benefits of biofertilizers in onions (Part I and II). Specifically, in Part I, the methods, treatments, results of soil analysis and the effect of biofertilizers on crop growth were developed, while in Part II, activities for the dissemination and exchange of knowledge and know-how are presented at the Larapinta farm, located in the Mellado municipality, El Sombrero, Guárico state. The activities were carried out after evaluating the importance and benefit of biofertilizers in plant development shown in Part I, published in the INIA Divulga Magazine No. 19.


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How to Cite
Sulbaran, J., Barrios, R., López, M., & Ferrer, J. (2012). Benefits of biofertilizers in onions. Yields, production costs and dissemination of results. Part II. INIA Divulga, 21(21), 51-54. Retrieved from