Characterization of the Turén Agricultural Colony According to Precipitation and its Usefulness in Agriculture.
Precipitation, a meteorological parameter with great variability in quantity, duration and time, is a factor of great importance, and it directly or indirectly influences the performance of various activities. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor, analyse and compare rainfall records in order to take appropriate measures to minimise its possible negative effects.
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Hétier J. y Falcón, R. (eds). Edi-
torial venezolana, C.A., Mérida,
Venezuela, pp. 49-56.
Velásquez, L., M. León, A. Cortez,
F. Freitez, M. Anzalone, D.
Araujo, J. Pérez, A. Reina, L.
Vilain y J. Marquina, 2007a.
Caracterización de la Estación
Meteorológica de Turén, Estado
Portuguesa. En: I Congreso de
Agrometeorología. Memorias.
Maracay, Venezuela.
Velásquez, L., B. Lozada, M. An-
zalone, M. Pérez, M. León, F.
Freitez, J. Pérez, D. Araujo,
R. Flores y A. Reina, 2007b.
Disponibilidad Hídrica de Tu-
rén, Estado Portuguesa. En: I
Congreso de Agrometeorología.
Memorias. Maracay, Venezuela.
How to Cite
Anazalone, M., Velásquez, L., Lozada, B., Cortez, A., Pérez, J., Reina, A., Araujo, D., & Flores, R. (2011). Characterization of the Turén Agricultural Colony According to Precipitation and its Usefulness in Agriculture. INIA Divulga, 20(20), 26-28. Retrieved from