Use of Solarization for the Control of Phytoparasitic Nematodes and Other Pests in Falcón State.

  • Zunilde Lugo Researcher. INIA. National Institute of Agricultural Research of the State of Falcón.
  • Renato Crozzoli UCV Professor. Central University of Venezuela.
  • Adriana Cortez INIA-CENIAP Researcher. National Center for Agricultural Research.
  • Ligia Rosales Research Associate Technician. INIA-CENIAP.
  • Ana Fernández Researcher. INIA. National Institute of Agricultural Research of the State of Falcón.
  • Jorge Marquina Research Associate Technician. INIA-CENIAP.


The soils in many agricultural ecosystems become unusable due to organisms present in them, such as fungi, bacteria and nematodes, some of which are inevitably pathogens of cultivated plants, affecting their growth and causing significant losses to the crop.


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How to Cite
Lugo, Z., Crozzoli, R., Cortez, A., Rosales, L., Fernández, A., & Marquina, J. (2024). Use of Solarization for the Control of Phytoparasitic Nematodes and Other Pests in Falcón State. INIA Divulga, 20(20), 34-37. Retrieved from