In 2012, the UN declared it the international year of cooperatives and sustainable energy.

  • Joan Montilla INIA. National Institute of Agricultural Research.


While 2012 was declared by the UN General Assembly as the international year of cooperatives and sustainable energy, for Venezuela, the same begins with the commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the action of a group of patriotic soldiers, who, in the horror of seeing how a dignified people was massacred in 1989, for opposing the measures imposed by the International Monetary Fund, revolted against the government of that time, marking a new turning point in our contemporary history, in a sustained and irreversible sense towards the refoundation of the homeland in a democratic and socialist state, in which sustainable agriculture acquired constitutional rank as a strategic basis for rural development.


Joan Montilla.
INIA. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas.
How to Cite
Montilla, J. (2011). In 2012, the UN declared it the international year of cooperatives and sustainable energy. INIA Divulga, 19(19), 1. Retrieved from