V84-8 Promising new variety of sugar cane.
The process of obtaining, selecting and releasing a sugarcane cultivar in Venezuela is quite complex and takes around 12 years to complete. Even so, the fact of releasing a clone does not guarantee its adoption by producers. A disadvantage of asexually reproduced crops, such as sugarcane, is that once released and multiplied, these cultivars are quickly attacked by different pathogens that limit their useful life.
De Sousa-Vieira, O; Briceño, R;
Diaz A; Rea, R; Niño, M; Rivero,
A; Aza, G; Ortiz, A. y George,
J. 2008. Programa Venezolano
de desarrollo de variedades de
caña de azúcar. Revista Digital
INIA Hoy. Nº 1. Enero-Abril.
Disponible en: http:// www.inia.
Diaz A; Rea, R; Niño, M; Rivero,
A; Aza, G; Ortiz, A. y George,
J. 2008. Programa Venezolano
de desarrollo de variedades de
caña de azúcar. Revista Digital
INIA Hoy. Nº 1. Enero-Abril.
Disponible en: http:// www.inia.

How to Cite
De Sousa, O., Briceño, R., Díaz, A., Rea, R., Niño, M., Rivero, A., Aza, G., Ortiz, A., George, J., & Pérez, A. (2011). V84-8 Promising new variety of sugar cane. INIA Divulga, 19(19), 9-11. Retrieved from http://publicaciones.inia.gob.ve/index.php/iniadivulga/article/view/996