Benefits of biofertilizers in onions. Biostimulation of growth. (Part I)

  • Jesús Sulbaran Agricultural Engineer. INSAI. National Institute of Comprehensive Agricultural Health.
  • Rafael Barrios Onion farmer from Guárico state
  • Marisol López INIA-CENIAP Researcher. National Center for Agricultural Research.
  • Jairo Ferrer Professor. UNERG. Romulo Gallegos Experimental University.


The Mellado municipality in the state of Guárico is an area of ​​importance for plant and animal agriculture. Among the areas of socio-productive interest are corn and sorghum, as well as vegetables. Onion is the vegetable most produced in the area.


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How to Cite
Sulbaran, J., Barrios, R., López, M., & Ferrer, J. (2011). Benefits of biofertilizers in onions. Biostimulation of growth. (Part I). INIA Divulga, 19(19), 18-23. Retrieved from