Benefits of biofertilizers in onions. Biostimulation of growth. (Part I)
The Mellado municipality in the state of Guárico is an area of importance for plant and animal agriculture. Among the areas of socio-productive interest are corn and sorghum, as well as vegetables. Onion is the vegetable most produced in the area.
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López de Rojas, I.; Alfonzo, N.; Gó-
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on beneficial effects of rhizos-
phere bacteria on soil nutrient
uptake. Revista Facultad Na-
cional de Agronomía Medellín,
60(1): 3621-3643.
How to Cite
Sulbaran, J., Barrios, R., López, M., & Ferrer, J. (2011). Benefits of biofertilizers in onions. Biostimulation of growth. (Part I). INIA Divulga, 19(19), 18-23. Retrieved from