Social seed production: interpretation from participatory management by a worker and a social fighter

  • Ricardo J. Chaparro Tovar Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas (INIA), Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CENIAP), Maracay. Venezuela.
Keywords: community involvement, community organizations, seed production, decision making


The strengthening of the management mechanisms of the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA) and the contribution to strengthening the communication system with the organized people, the capacity for institutional response, is of great importance. In the present research work, I set out as a purpose, to reveal an approach to theoretical elements in the participatory management of the UPS Semillas Múcura of INIA. The research was positioned from the constructivist paradigm under the qualitative approach, assuming idealism as an ontological position, articulated to the phenomenological method, supported by hermeneutics. Approaching the meaning and intersubjective interpretation of the cosmovisions of two significant subjects related to this work. The research was developed in the Social Production Unit (UPS) Semillas Múcura of the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA), located in the Zamora Municipality of Aragua State, Venezuela. From the findings emerged dimensions around the participatory management category, and according to the reality experienced by two subjects linked to the UPS, among them, organizational culture, education, corporate identity, socialist management, and grassroots organization. These dimensions considered theoretical elements were contrasted with postulates of different authors, applying qualitative triangulation in this way.  Finally, it was revealed that the Community Innovation Councils (CICO) of the UPSs of INIA play an important role as an instance of articulation and participation, which deserve to be strengthened by designing and executing training plans oriented to organizational issues, empowerment, and participative management.


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How to Cite
Chaparro Tovar, R. J. (2018). Social seed production: interpretation from participatory management by a worker and a social fighter. Agronomía Tropical, 68(1-2), 56-70. Retrieved from
Original research article