Effect of plant density on corn yield in Quibor, Lara State, Venezuela
The increase of the density plants is an agronomic practice that, according to the climatic conditions and the applied agronomic management, influences of yield. In order to evaluate the effect of plant density on yield of two yellow corn cultivars, an assay was established in the depression of Quibor, Lara State, Venezuela. A completely randomized design was used, with 4 treatments: two plant densities (83,000 and 166,000 plants.ha-1) per cultivar (variety CENIAP DMR and hybrid Golden 5®) and five repetitions. According to CIMMYT regulations, at the end of the cycle the yield was determined (kg.ha-1); percentage (%) of large, medium and small cob; for each size of cob, the weight, number of rows and number of grains per row. In single row, the yield of the hybrid decreased as the density of plants increased and the variety remained stable. The hybrid registered the highest percentage of large and medium cob (80.61%), with a weight of 626.79 g; and a minimum for small cob (19.39%) weighing 144.06 g. This composition was statistically the same in the variety, but with less weight in the different cobs, 514.10 g for large and medium with 145.06 g for the small ones. The difference in weight of both treatments was 102.69 g. The number of rows of the large cobs and the number of grains per row of the mediums in the hybrid were superior and statistically different from the variety. The cultivars in double rows showed the same statistical tendency.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Pedro Monasterio, Francis Pierre, Guido Silva

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