Changes in the agriculture in the mayan zone of the Yucatan peninsula, in Mexico
In the maya area of the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico, evidence has been found of replacing traditional agricultural practices with conventional agricultural activities. In order to know the factors that determined this change, a study was carried out in the family and productive area of six communities selected according to the following criteria: a) with a high predominance of traditional agriculture; b) in transition from traditional agriculture to conventional agriculture; and c) with a high predominance in conventional agriculture. The research-action-participatory methodology was used and emphasis was placed on social, cultural and agro-ecological aspects. The communities with a high predominance of traditional agriculture, were characterized by carrying out ancestral practice of preparation of milpas (slash, grave, burning), a celebration of magic religious ceremonies for agricultural purposes, and application of knowledge about “cabañuelas” and moon phases. Transitional communities, characterized by owning cornfields, preserve some ceremonies of traditional agriculture, little dedication to cattle, technical production of papaya and banana; and irrigation system in some areas. The communities with a high predominance of conventional agriculture were characterized by dedicating large areas of land to the production of sorghum, corn, and cattle; and, although there are family gardens, there are no traditional ceremonies. The change of agricultural model seems to be related to the unstable periods of rain, inaccessibility to credits, lack of government support to traditional production systems and high state impulse for the production of monocultures and intensive livestock.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Hector Cálix de Dios, María del Carmen Sánchez Bacab, Yaneli Clementina Canul Naal
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