Effect of various factors on chemicals characteristics of breadfruit flour and composed wheat – breadfruit flour

  • Lucia Graziani de Fariña Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Facultad de Agronomía (FAGRO), Instituto de Química y Tecnología, Maracay. Venezuela.
  • Ligia Ortiz de Bertorelli Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Facultad de Agronomía (FAGRO), Instituto de Química y Tecnología, Maracay. Venezuela.
  • Alejandra Ramírez Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Facultad de Agronomía (FAGRO), Instituto de Química y Tecnología, Maracay. Venezuela.
  • Jhailu Herrera Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Facultad de Agronomía (FAGRO), Instituto de Química y Tecnología, Maracay. Venezuela.
  • José Rico Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Facultad de Agronomía (FAGRO), Instituto de Química y Tecnología, Maracay. Venezuela.
  • Rosana Figueroa Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Facultad de Agronomía (FAGRO), Instituto de Ingeniería Agrícola, Maracay. Venezuela.
Keywords: Artocarpus camansi White, Moraceae, tropical fruit, protein source, byproduct


Breadfruit  seed (Artocarpus  camansi  White)  has been recommended for its nutritional value; however, it is rarely used in Venezuela as food. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the month of harvest and cooking time of breadfruit seeds on chemical characteristics of flour (HF) as well as the proportion of flour used and cooking times of seeds in the preparation of wheat and breadfruit composed flour (HTF). Fruits were harvested in two different months in the locality of Cumboto, Aragua state, Venezuela. The HF was obtained by grinding seeds treated with and without cooking for 20 and 40 min and dried at 45 °C. The HTF was prepared by incorporating 15, 25 and 35% HF to wheat flour (HT). Moisture, dry matter, ash, fat, protein, crude fiber, and carbohydrates contents were determined. A factorial variance analysis 3x2 was applied to data obtained. Factors evaluated were cooking time (three levels), harvest month (two levels) and proportion of flour (three levels). The characteristics of the HF vary with cooking time and month of harvest, while HTF was unaffected by cooking or by HF proportion. Factors evaluated only influenced HF. In addition, the results revealed that in the preparation of the HTF the incorporation of 35% HF from seeds cooked for 20 min is feasible.


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How to Cite
Graziani de Fariña, L., Ortiz de Bertorelli, L., Ramírez, A., Herrera, J., Rico, J., & Figueroa, R. (2013). Effect of various factors on chemicals characteristics of breadfruit flour and composed wheat – breadfruit flour. Agronomía Tropical, 63(3-4), 143-153. Retrieved from http://publicaciones.inia.gob.ve/index.php/agronomiatropical/article/view/245
Original research article