Physicochemical changes and fatty acids profile of cocoa grown in Chuao, throughout post harvest process
At Venezuela, the cocoa Theobroma cacao L., post-harvest treatment is quite variable and it is a function of the region and environment, this variability in the post-harvest bring high losses of quality in the cocoa derivatives. Despite this, there are few reported studies in the literature. Then the objective of the study was to evaluate the physicochemical properties and fatty acids profile in different conditions of the cacao postharvest process of the San Juanera crop from the Chuao region. Grain samples were collected in different postharvest stages. The physical characteristics, chemical composition and fatty acid profile of cocoa grains were determined according to the methodologies described in the AOACI and COVENIN. Data are showing a diminution of the weight of the grain with peel and the peel percent by the effect of the fermentation. It was also observed statistically significant differences in the chemical composition, but it was not thus for the fatty acid profile. The moisture content was drastically increased as a result of the effect of the fermentation, and the other components (protein, fat, and ash were diminished slightly. pH diminished and the acidity was increasing by the fermentation process, as was expected. Finally, the fatty acids profile was affected by the process of drying and toasting and a diminution was observed of the concentrations of palmític, oleic stearic and with respect to the fresh cacao
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Copyright (c) 2013 Mary Larez Amaiz, Elevina Pérez Sira, Clímaco Álvarez Fernández, José Perozo González, Sandra El Khori

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