Impact of biofumigation and organic materials on recovery of one vineyard infested with root knot nematodes
In order to determine the feasibility of implementing the management of Meloidogyne in grapevine, Vitis vinifera L., with biofumigation and organic materials existing from Cuba, this study was carried out for 3 years. Four areas were established in the field in three biofumigation alternated with fresh foliage mixture Cannavalia ensiformis L. + Azadirachta indica (A. Juss.) + Pig manure and organic materials such as rum and cured chicken manure as well as a control area (where the producer used chemical fertilizer NPK). After applying each treatment (2006-2008) was quantified galling index (GI) and the number of infective juveniles (J2) in the soil at the beginning of each harvest cycle. Were determined physicochemical characteristics of the soil at the beginning and end of the study and quantified yields (t ha-1) in the three crops. In plots where we used biofumigation and organic materials decreased the GI and the number of J , in the first c
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Copyright (c) 2011 Mayra G. Rodríguez H., Luisa Díaz-Viruliche, Dainé Hernández O., Jorge Hernández , Roberto Enrique R., Lucila Gómez G., Ileana Miranda C., Ligia Carolina Rosales A., Zoraida Suárez H.
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