Amaranth’s response to two planting distances and population density
Field studies were conducted to evaluate the behavior of amaranths, Amaranthus sp.; with the purpose of being able to use them in the mechanical crop. Three amaranths were sowed in the Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional La Pampa in furrows separated to 0,25 and 0,50 m and densities of 100 x103; 200 x103 and 400 x103 plants ha-1. The height of plants, photosynthetically active radiation (30 days of the sowing, anthesis and physiological maturity),), harvest index of crop and seed yield were measured. The experimental design was totally randomized blocks: 4 replications x 3 genotypes x 3 densities x 2 distances. There were no significant differences (P= 0,01) in the harvest index of crop and grain yield (expressed in kg ha-1), in the 3 genotypes between distances in furrows and densities. The solar interception at 30 days of the sowing (51,2%), only differed significantly (P= 0,01) in A. cruentus var. Don Guiem for the distance of 0,25 m and 100.000 plants ha-1. At maturity, there were not significantly different treatments. The densities in the field ranged between 50-90 x103, 90-150 x103, and 150-270 x103 plants ha-1 which would explain the lack of significance between treatments
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Copyright (c) 2010 Rodolfo Repollo, Rosa de Troiani, Elke Nollemeyer, Teresa Sánchez, Nilda Reinaudi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.