Phenology of local cultivars of peas and common bean in the Rafael Urdaneta municipality, Táchira state, Venezuela based on degree days

  • Belitza Bracho Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira (UNET). San Cristóbal, estado Táchira. Venezuela.
  • Olga Arnaude Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira (UNET). San Cristóbal, estado Táchira. Venezuela.
  • Beatriz Lozada Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas (INIA), Bramón, estado Táchira. Venezuela.
Keywords: Phaseolus vulgaris L., phenological cycle, Pisum sativum L., thermal units


The objective of the present study was to collect local cultivars of peas and common bean for morphological characterization and determination of their phenological cycle based on degree days (d.°C). The cultivars of edible the leguminous crops Phaseolus vulgaris L. (common bean) and Pisum sativum L. (peas) were collected in 47 farms at Alto Viento, Aguaditas y Betania villages (Rafael Urdaneta Municipality, Táchira State, Venezuela). A greenhouse trial was established in Palo Gordo, Cárdenas municipality, Táchira, at 1 100 m.a.s.l. Legumes were individually planted in 5 kg plastic bags with 40 replications per cultivar. Nineteen characters including leaf, flower, fruit and production parameters were recorded according to IPGRI’s recommendations. There was wide morphological variation for each character with substantial differences among cultivars in their phenometric and qualitative variables. The phenological cycle for common bean and peas required 796 to 888 ºC and 845 to 951 d.ºC, respectively, varying the requirements of thermal units according to cultivars and phenological phases.


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How to Cite
Bracho, B., Arnaude, O., & Lozada, B. (2010). Phenology of local cultivars of peas and common bean in the Rafael Urdaneta municipality, Táchira state, Venezuela based on degree days. Agronomía Tropical, 60(2), 171-175. Retrieved from
Original research article