Physical-chemistry characterization of fresh fruits of no traditional cultivations in Venezuela. II. The pitanga
The pitanga, Eugenia uniflora L., is a native fruit of Brasil with important nutritious qualities and wide adaptation to different conditions of climate, soil and handle. This fruit has been introduced to Argentina, Colombia, and Venezuela, although it is little known in this last. Fruits harvested of three plants at the Fruit Repository Garden from CENIAP were evaluated by two consecutive years, with the purpose to determinate its physical-chemistry characteristics under the conditions of Aragua state. Besides assessing its production potential in small rural communities as sources of vitamins when is consumed as fresh fruit. Fresh weight, equatorial and distal diameter and its relation was measured in a total of 60 fruits for each plant. Seeds number; juice yield; total soluble solids (TSS); titratable acidity; pH; Vitamin C and carotenoids, were determined. The fruits are flat with averages values from 4,0 g, 2 seeds, 8.0 °Brix, 1.0 g.100 ml-1 for citric acid and 33% yield of juice. The results are in agreement with the reported ranges in the Amazonical native zone. Furthermore, confirming its high vitaminic content based in the carotenoids concentration.
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