Evaluation of the induction of genetic variability in cambur 'manzano' (Musa AAB) through markers RAPD
In Venezuela, the cambur 'Manzano' (Musa AAB) owns ample acceptance on the part of the consumers, but its commercialization has been limited by the high index of plagues and diseases attack that it. In this sense, the use of the techniques for the improvement of the species has had great height, the reason why in this investigation the induction of somaclonal variation by means of the use of high concentrations of cytokinins through successive multiplications was used, during which increase of gradual way these concentrations (5-10-15 mg l-1, respectively). For the analysis of the obtained plants of this experience, the technique of the RAPD was used (at random amplified polymorphic DNA), which allowed us to establish a landlord of comparison between the plants that were put under the process of induction of somaclonal variation. The results indicate that in the 31 plants analyzed during the investigation with 12 initiators different, a low percentage of variation when using was reflected the index of Jaccard´s like evaluation method. The little found variability thinks that about the plants of cambur Manzano Musa (AAB) put under high concentrations of cytokinins, must to the presence of the balbisiana genome in this variety, aspect that has been reported by diverse authors for other varieties.
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Copyright (c) 2009 Auris Silva, Iselen Trujillo, María Vidal, Verónica Pérez

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