Grain quality of rice varieties and lines from the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIA)

  • Iris Pérez Almeida Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas (INIA), Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CENIAP), Maracay. Venezuela.
  • María A. Montoya Aramburu Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas (INIA), Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CENIAP), Maracay. Venezuela.
Keywords: Oryza sativa L., cooking quality, milling quality, microsatellite markers, genetic variability


Grain quality of rice takes into account milling, cooking, nutritional, and appearance aspects. This work carried out the morphological and molecular characterization of 16 rice materials, with emphasis on grain quality, using microsatellite markers (SSR). Evaluated characters included length, width, and thickness of the grain, percentage of whole grain, percentage of chalky grain, white belly, and apparent amylose content. By principal components association, we found that three factors explained 75% of the total variation. Materials used in this work showed long-grain, intermediate behavior regarding milling quality, while its cooking quality, except for two varieties of Italian origin, showed an amylose composition higher than 20%, in accordance with domestic market requirements. To analyze the genetic variability we used 48 microsatellites previously associated with characteristics of grain quality, finding that only 20 showed polymorphic bands (percentage of polymorphic loci 40%) in these materials, and detecting 43 alleles, with an average number of alleles per marker of 2.26. Molecular data were evaluated by a multiple correspondence analysis finding out that the first three factors explained 70.6% of the total variance, and by cluster analysis using 1-Jaccard distance and Ward average linkage, we obtained the formation of 4 groups. Under the conditions of this study, we could not demonstrate a correlation between quantitative characteristics of grain quality and allelic patterns achieved by SSR


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How to Cite
Pérez Almeida, I., & Montoya Aramburu, M. A. (2009). Grain quality of rice varieties and lines from the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIA). Agronomía Tropical, 59(4), 445-456. Retrieved from
Original research article