Characterization of the river basin Canoabo in the Carabobo State, Venezuela. IV. Agroecological zoning
The Canoabo watershed fulfills a double purpose. It produces water for several communities down the valley, but also supports mostly agricultural activities of 6 500 people. Previous studies indicated by the authors on its climate, erosion, and soils allow now to develop agro-ecological zoning, the basis of better land ordering. With this purpose, it was carried out an analysis of its environmental fragility, the separation of critical areas for water and sediment production, and finally the classification into areas to be protected, to be reclaimed and those to be used in more intensive agriculture. Results showed that nearly 50% of the watershed should be protected with rather restrictive legislation to guarantee water and other environmental services. Around 15% require reclamation mostly from severe and moderate erosion before thinking in other uses. Another 20% should have protective land uses, to be developed, like forestry, agroforestry and silvopastoral. Finally, only 5%, in the valley, is recommended for more intensive agricultural uses
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Copyright (c) 2009 Victor A. Sevilla L., Juan A. Comerma G.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.