In vitro enzymatic hydrolysis and electronic microscopy of the baked and extruded arracacha flour
In order to analyze the effects of the drying thermal treatments, upon the in vitro enzymatic hydrolysis of the starch, in the arracacha flours, Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft, of the white and yellow morph types; the flours were obtained using convection methods at 70º - 80 ºC temperature, and in a double spinning drum dryer, with a steam pressure of 40 Psi. The changes in the structure of the starch granules were observed through the micrographics seen in the sweeping electronic microscope (MEB). The results showed that the flours of both morph types were sensible to the hydrolysis of the pancreatic α- amylase enzyme; the flours obtained in the double spinning drum dryers, resulted of high enzymatic digestion, in comparison to the baked flours by the convection method, due to the higher incidence of the drying thermal treatment upon the structural changes at the level of the amorphous regions of the starch granules; which as seen under the MEB showed the loss of the birefringence of the same.
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