Agronomic characterization of clones of musaceas with levels of black resistance to sigatoka in the municipality Veroes, Yaracuy State, Venezuela
Some agronomic characteristics of clones of Musa with levels of resistance to black sigatoka, Mycosphaerella fijiensis, were evaluated in 'Las Peñas' locality, Veroes county, Yaracuy State, in a complete randomized block design with three replications and three plants as experimental units. The FHIA 01, FHIA 02, and Yangambi km5 materials were compared against the 'Cambur Manzano' which is highly susceptible to black sigatoka. The following plant parameters were evaluated during two productive cycles: days to flowering, days to harvesting, bunch weight, length and diameter of the middle finger from the second hand, and the number of fingers per bunch were evaluated. The FHIA 02 and Yangambi km 5 were the clones with the earliest time at flowering and harvesting stages in both cycles. Despite the FHIA 01 showed the highest values for bunch weight and length of the middle finger, it was the latest to reach harvesting stage during the second cycle. Yangambi km 5 exhibited a similar middle finger length that the Cambur Manzano; however, Yangambi km 5 showed a higher bunch weight. The Yangambi km 5, represents a acceptable alternative for plantain farmers in the area
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Copyright (c) 2009 Giomar G. Blanco Espinoza, Julitt B. Hernández, Alexis Pérez, Alfonso Ordosgoitti, Gustavo Martínez, Edward Manzanilla

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.