Natural populations of entomopathogenic nematodes present in soils of seven Venezuelan States
Entomopathogenic nematodes are found in the soil and are parasites of insects, which in symbiosis with a bacterium can cause their death. They are used as biological control agents for pest insects. In the search for native entomopathogenic nematodes, a survey was carried out in the states of Amazonas, Aragua, Mérida, Miranda, Sucre, Táchira, and Yaracuy, in Venezuela. 218 soil samples were processed according to the methodology described by Bedding and Akhurst (1975). 21 entomopathogenic nematode were obtained, with a Recovery Frequency of 9.63 % and an Abundance Index of 0.67. Of these, 20 belong to the genus Heterorhabditis Poinar and one to Steirnernema Travassos. With the analysis of descriptive statistics, the percentage of entomopathogenic nematodes according to gender and type of soil was determined, finding: Heterorhabditis indica (9.52 %); Heterorhabditis amazonensis (23.80 %); Heterorhabditis spp. (61.90 %) and Steinernema sp. (4.76 %). 86 % of the EPN were obtained from cultivated soils. In the places where EPN presence was positive, 57.14 % correspond to both sandy and sandy loam soils. With the Independence Chi-square test (χ²) (Siegel and Catellan, 2009) was determined that there is a statistically significant association (P<0.05) between the recovery frequency and the type of soil, as well as between the recovery frequency and altitude. The sandy loam soil and the altitude 0 – 300 m above sea level were the significant characteristics in the detection of nematodes.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Ligia Carolina Rosales, Renato Crozzoli, Ernesto San-Blas, Liliana Puente, Roberto Enrique, Teida Hurtado, Julia Elena Sanoja, Mayra G. Rodríguez H.
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