Identification of microsatellite markers associated Fe and Zn concentration in the grain of the common bean in F2:3 families
The increase of micronutrients in food grains, with plant breeding techniques is a strategy in the prevention and management of their deficiencies. The objective of this study was to identify the association between microsatellite markers and the concentration of Fe and Zn, as well as the inheritance of these characters in common bean. A total of 77 families for the F2:3 population of the single cross IPR-TiziuxI//2581 were evaluated; using the SSRs BM-143, BM-181, BM-183, AG-1, BMd-001 and BMd-028. The segregation was verified for each microsatellite and the QTLs were identified by single marker analysis, one at a time, with MapDisto Program, using a significance level of P<0,05 corresponded to a minimum LOD of 3,0 and r maximum of 0,3. The characters showed continuous distribution, corresponding to quantitative inheritance; and intermediate families and / or major or minor families are shown, which indicates transgressive phenotypic expression. The SSRs BM-181, BM-183, BMd-001, and BMd-028 had Mendelian segregation ¼:½:¼, and the SSRs BM-143 and AG-1 showed distortion in the segregation. Four QTL associated with Fe and Zn concentration were detected, two for the Fe variable detected in the primers BM-183 (chromosome 7) with F = 3.10 and BMd-001 (chromosome 3) with F = 3.56; and two QTL for Zn, in the SSRs BM-183 and BMd-001 (chromosome 3), for an F of 3.31 and 3.41 respectively. These QTLs detected, facilitates the selection of lines with high nutritional value, with a view to achieving the biofortification of the crop.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Gino Campos Tirado, Margaret Gutiérrez, Catalina Ramis, Luis Angulo Graterol, Zuleyvi Henriquez
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.