Update on the management of Tropical Fusarium Wilt Race 4 in musaceae
Edible musaceae (plantains, bananas) are among the most important crops and fruits, due to their nutritional and economic contribution. Few clones currently dominate commercial production globally, restricting variability and increasing the possibility of being more vulnerable to extremely dangerous diseases. Currently the wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 (Foc TR4) is considered the most lethal for musaceae, as there is no efficient control and natural clones that can replace the current ones. The objective of this work was to present a review and analysis of research related to the measures used to confront Foc TR4 wilt in edible musaceae. Faced with poor control of the disease, the new proposals within integrated management that involve exclusion, containment, cultural practices, chemical control, biological control and biosafety protocols are detailed. Likewise, the use of resistant clones obtained by conventional breeding and biotechnology, with different characteristics from the current ones; or through new techniques such as genetic modification or editing, which could provide agronomic and organoleptic characteristics similar to the current ones. Before the first report of Foc TR4 in LAC all countries are at risk, being necessary the promotion and adjustment of their management to protect food security which depends largely on small producers.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Gustavo Martínez-Solórzano, Juan Carlos Rey-Brina, Rafael E. Pargas-Pichardo, Milagros Domínguez
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