Antagonism of native strains of Trichoderma spp. for the control of Rosellinia necatrix in rose cultivation
In Mexico, Mexico State represents the main producer of Rosa sp. in the country. The largest productions in the crop are located in the southern region of the state, which includes the municipalities of Tenancingo, Villa Guerrero, and Coatepec Harinas. However, the production of this crop is affected by the incidence of Rosellinia necatrix Prill, the causal agent of white root rot. The present work was carried out to determine the antagonistic effect of native strains of Trichoderma spp. against the phytopathogenic fungus R. necatrix in rose cultivation, in the southern region of the Mexico State. The selection of the monosporic cultures of the fungus was made from the native strains obtained in the collected soil samples. Morphological and molecular identification of the native strains was achieved and in vitro mechanisms of action. Two native strains Trichoderma tomentosum (SS1-6) and Trichoderma barbatum (SS2-5) were obtained. The antagonism mechanisms evidenced in both strains were competition, antibiosis by volatile and diffusible metabolites. Mycoparasitism was only observed in the native strain SS1-6. The SS1-6 strain obtained the highest percentage of inhibition (89%) concerning the SS2-5 strain. The effect of volatile metabolites with secreted antifungal activity was evidenced in both strains (SS1-6 and SS2-5). Both strains showed promise for their use in the biological control of R. necatrix in rose cultivation in the southern region of Mexico State.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Rómulo García Velazco, Anahid Alonso Baena, Grisel Domínguez Arismendi, Sotero Aguilar Medel, Martha E. Mora Herrera, Barbarita Companioni González

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