Biometric characterization of Leucaena fruits and seeds in germplasm from the Universidad de Oriente, Maturín, Venezuela
By virtue of the adequate adaptation of Leucaena to the agroecological zone in the Maturín municipality and the potential for forage use of the species, the present investigation aims to carry out the organometric description of its fruits and seeds. The trial was conducted at the “Los Guaritos” Campus of the Universidad de Oriente, located in Maturín, in batches of the species formed by natural dispersal. Of the existing trees in the fruiting stage, 18 plants were randomly selected, the height of the tree and the diameter of the stem were determined, in parallel, 20 mature fruits were randomly taken per tree, quantifying the total length and central width and its interior the number of seeds per fruit and the mass in grams of 100 seeds were determined. The values of the quantified variables were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlation analysis at 5 % probability. On average, the height of the trees was 12.14 m and the diameter of the stem was approximately 8.95 cm. It was found that the fruits Leucaena leucocephala var. Cunninghan present values of length and width comprised between the ranges indicated for the species; while, the confidence interval of seeds per fruit is high and the mass in g.100-1 seeds is low when compared with the reference ranges of the species. A positive and significant correlation was detected between the length and width of the fruit with the content of seeds per fruit.
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