Establishment of forage legumes Caroní Municipality, Bolívar State

  • Ernesto Martínez National Institute of Agricultural Research. Inia Bolivar
  • Mirtha Rati National Institute of Agricultural Research. Inia Bolivar


In the dry periods of the year, the lack of water in the soil significantly decreases the availability of forage, which affects the production of meat and milk in ruminant production systems (cattle, goats, sheep, horses, buffaloes, among others); especially those that are basically fed by grazing grasses. Under these conditions, supplementing with shrub legumes is an interesting option, because it allows offering feed that enables better animal performance (Carmo et al, 2007).


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How to Cite
Martínez, E., & Rati, M. (2019). Establishment of forage legumes Caroní Municipality, Bolívar State. INIA Divulga, 42(42), 5-10. Retrieved from