Characteristics of potato clones evaluated in Venezuela
The potato, Solanum tuberosum L., is a strategic crop in food production worldwide, due to its ability to produce carbohydrates, proteins, water-soluble vitamins (Vitamin C and B complex) and FAOSTAT mineral salts. (2008). In addition to its great versatility in terms of forms of consumption and its wide adaptability to agroecological conditions, aspects that support the incorporation of this plant into comprehensive genetic improvement programs, for the search for varieties with new characteristics of adaptability, tolerance to the main pests , adequate yield and high quality for fresh consumption or for processing. To achieve these objectives, the genetic improvement program of the International Potato Center (CIP) uses various sources, from wild potato species (García Salas 2000., and Quintero 2005).
García, R. y J. Salas. (2000). Aspectos generales del cultivo de papa. In producción de semilla de papa en Venezuela. 1° edición. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas. Aragua Venezuela. P. 18-29
Zosimo Huamán, J., T. Williams, W. Salhuana y L. Vincent. 1977. Descriptors for the cultivated potato and for the maintenance and distribution of germplasm collections. Rome: International Board for Plant Genetic Resources IBPGR/77/32. 47p.