Agroecology at the school level: learning from experience. Part II
The training process advanced for the development of school gardens was based on the “Learning by doing” methodology, which represents a learning experience based on reality; It constitutes a two-way learning process and stimulates dialogue and social interaction between all participants: teachers, children, administrative staff, workers, representatives and researchers. Learning by doing is a learning methodology with constructivist roots where the emphasis is on learning, very different from behaviorist methods, where the emphasis is on teaching. It is based on the principle that human beings learn 20% of what they see; 20% of what he hears; 40% of what he sees and hears, and 80% of what he experiences or discovers for himself. (National Training Laboratories, 1977)
National Training Laboratories Institute. 1977 Bethel, Maine, USA.
Merçon J., Escalona M., Noriega M., Figueroa I., Atenco A. y González E. 2012. Cultivando La Educación Agroecológica. El huerto colectivo urbano como espacio educativo. RMIE, Vol. 17, Núm. 55, 1201-1224 pp (ISSN: 14056666).
Ministerio de Agricultura y Cría. 1995. Haz en tu casa un huerto. Ediciones divulgativas Agricultura y Cría Nº 1.