Culinary value of plantain flour in Palmarejo, Yaracuy state

  • Cesar Giménez Researcher. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Yaracuy State.
  • Egnis Colina Community Promoter. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Yaracuy State.
  • Ana Torres Teacher. EIB. Palmarejo Bolivarian Comprehensive School. Palmarejo community, Veroes municipality, Yaracuy stat
  • Hilaría Chirinos Resident of the Palmarejo community, Veroes municipality, Yaracuy state.
  • Fulgencia Sequera Resident of the Palmarejo community, Veroes municipality, Yaracuy state.


The cultivation of Musaceae, better known as Plantain (Musa paradisiaca L.) and Banana (Musa sapientum L.), represent one of the most important fruit trees for our country, since these are part of the diet of several communities as fresh consumption, in the form of raw or cooked fruit, additionally, the first is also used in the food industry to make the well-known plantains or tostones.


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How to Cite
Giménez, C., Colina, E., Torres, A., Chirinos, H., & Sequera, F. (2012). Culinary value of plantain flour in Palmarejo, Yaracuy state. INIA Divulga, 22(22), 19-23. Retrieved from