Production of organic inputs in the Veroes municipality of Yaracuy state

  • Egnis Colina Community Promoter. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Yaracuy State.
  • Cesar Giménez Associate Research Technician. National Institute of Agricultural Research of Yaracuy State.
  • David Borres Worker from the Jirajara Social Production Company, Veroes municipality.
  • Victor Torrelles Producer from the Los Cañizos community, Veroes municipality.
  • Yorman Montero 5Producer from the La Hoya community, Veroes municipality.


With the support of community promoters from the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA) of the state of Yaracuy, in the communities of Los Cañizos and La Hoya in the municipality of Veroes, Yaracuy state, practices were initiated to establish the transition from conventional agriculture to agroecological agriculture, based on the benefits of local resources, as the main raw material for the production of organic inputs. Since 2009 to the present, the production and use of compost, biol and calcium sulfide has been promoted in the aforementioned communities, with the aim of showing that food can be harvested at a low production cost, reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers, which affects productivity, generating quality products at a lower price and in a sustainable way.


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Consultada el 08-08-2012
How to Cite
Colina, E., Giménez, C., Borres, D., Torrelles, V., & Montero, Y. (2012). Production of organic inputs in the Veroes municipality of Yaracuy state. INIA Divulga, 22(22), 58-62. Retrieved from