Ammonium fixation on soil profile of a mollisol cultivated with sugarcane in the valley of Yaracuy river, Venezuela

  • Danilo López-Hernández Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Facultad de Ciencias, Instituto de Zoología y Ecología Tropical, Caracas. Venezuela.
  • Carmen Infante Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Facultad de Ciencias, Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra, Postgrado Geoquímica, Caracas. Venezuela.
Keywords: ammonification, 2:1 clays, montmorillonite, Sacharum officinarum L


The ammonium fixation (NH4f) was analyzed in the different horizons of the soil profile (0-200 cm), in a molisol located between Farriar and Palmarejo, Yaracuy state, Venezuela. Soil with abundant clays 2: 1 (montmoriloniticas and muscoviticas) and cultivated with sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.). The changes in NH f during the course of the vegetative cycle of the plantation were also studied. The fixed ammonium was determined by Silva and Bremner method. The soil of the experimental plot presented high content of nitrogen as fixed ammonium. This represents in the profile between 18-57% of NH f / N-total and is associated with the presence of minerals 2: 1. Ammonium fixation occurred mainly in the silty fraction. A high positive relationship was found between the percentage of silt and NH f. The association of the percentage of silt plus clay was high. This decreased in relation to cation exchange capacity and organic matter content; On the other hand, no correlation was found with the clay percentage. Variations of the ammonium fraction fixed with the development of the crop were registered in the plantation; associated with the fertilizer application and the soil microbiological processes intensity, particularly N mineralization and ammonification-nitrification. The ammonium fixed in this soil acts as a reservoir of nitrogen, which is released and becomes available in stages of greater requirement by the crop.


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How to Cite
López-Hernández, D., & Infante, C. (2017). Ammonium fixation on soil profile of a mollisol cultivated with sugarcane in the valley of Yaracuy river, Venezuela. Agronomía Tropical, 67(1-4), 152-160. Retrieved from
Original research article