Comparison of two methods for detection of Xanthomonas phaseoli on bean seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
According to laboratory conditions and resources, two methodologies were compared in order to identify the most effective method to detect the presence of common bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas phaseoli in black bean seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The seeds were taken from 28 accessions of plants previously inoculated under greenhouse conditions. Conventional methods, including morphological, physiological and biochemical tests, using 24 hours pure bacteria colonies, obtained directly from seedlings grown on nutrient agar from seeds treated in disinfected and non-disinfected conditions were performed; also the molecular technique of polymerase chain reaction. The conventional method permitted the detection of the bacterial pathogen in two accessions of seeds, whereas 18 were identified with the molecular method. The conventional method was less effective and required longer time for results compared to the molecular method, with higher cost.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Oralys León-Brito, Catalina Ramis, Luis Angulo, Anna Maselli, Ada Maureen Medina, Luis Alemán
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