A method for estimating the yield in maize plantings
In corn crop, cob is the organ responsible for the production of grain, size, quantity, and quality respond to agronomic management applied to the crop, with positive or negative results. Fertilization and pest control in the phase of vegetative development, distribution of rainwater in pollination and filling phase, are responsible for the size and weight of the grains. The objective of this work was to create a method for facilitating the producer or technician, the calculation of the crop yield in the plot (kg.ha-1), based on the combination of components of the cob and the number of cobs per commercial plants. For these estimate yields, average values of the variables that make up the standard cob like total grains cob, number of kernels per row and number of rows in addition to the weight of 100 grain, statistically calculated will be needed. Furthermore, the method is applicable for two scenarios: using the value of the standard sowing cob in smoothly, and crops with problems agronomic management practices. For cases of water stress, deficit or excesses, the method does not work.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Pedro Monasterio, Francis Pierre, Jacinto Tablante, Waner Marturet, Rogelio Ortega, Fanny Sánchez

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