Phenotypic stability of maize hybrids in Venezuela using the index of superiority and the bilinear regression
The phenotypic stability analysis provides detailed information on the behavior of each genotype against environmental variations, in this sense, the objective of this research was to detect the presence of genotype by environment interaction as well as to know the adaptability and phenotypic stability of eighteen maize hybrids (Zea mays L.), by using the models index of superiority and bilinear regression. Twelve experimental hybrids and six commercial controls were planted in seven locations of Venezuela, during 2012 rainy season, in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The trait of interest was grain yield (t ha-1). Combined analyses of variance showed that hybrids performance were inconsistent because of environmental variations. With the model of index of superiority the hybrids ʹDK 1596ʹ and ʹExp A-1ʹ were identified as stable, while the model of bilinear regression allowed to identify the hybrids: Exp A-1, ʹExp A-2ʹ, ʹExp A-3ʹ, ʹExp A -5ʹ, ʹExp B-1ʹ, ʹExp B-4, ʹPioneer 30F35ʹ and ʹDK-370ʹ as stable. With both models, the hybrid Exp A-1 was identified as stable whereas Exp B-4 as adaptable to favorable conditions. The model of bilinear regression was more discriminatory than the index of superiority; therefore, the first one was more efficient and suitable for the analysis of both adaptability and stability. The hybrids Exp A-1 and Exp B-4 showed a good product performance in the different localities of evaluation, which should be considered for their release as commercial cultivars.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Ruben J. Silva, Alberto A. Pérez Colmenares, Sol A. Medina Montilla, Juan E. Viloria Díaz, Pedro J. García Mendoza , Ana Duarte , Jacinto Tablante, Tirso Pacheco
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