Comparison of methods to estimate the solar radiation in Maracay, Venezuela
The solar radiation is the input parameter for numerous applications, however, hardly available to the user, this arises the need to use empirical methods to estimate it which uses easy achievement variables available in all meteorological stations. Using daily data from the meteorological station of Ceniap Maracay serial 2604, belonging to the agrometeorological network of INIA in Maracay, Venezuela, a study was conducted to compare 5 estimation methods: Angstrom-Prescott (1940), Glover and McCulloch (1958), Bristow and Campbell (1984), Hargreaves et al. (1985) and De Jong and Stewart (1993); in order to select which of these it considers better estimator of solar radiation for the study area. Comparisons have been implemented through the statistical test chi-square, finding that, statistically, all methods are consistent with the values of radiation measured for this station. However, the method presented by the minor overestimation, was found to be De Jong and Stewart.
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