Capacity of growth of Crotararia juncea L. in conditions phosphorus deficiency
Crotararia juncea L. is an important cover crop under marginal soils conditions particularly in tropical countries, the species has been reported as a plant with ability of growing with defi cient P soils. With the objective of investigating some growth esponses under P deficiency, plants were cultivated in pots 900 ml filled with nutrient solution Hoagland 2, with aereation artificial. The experiment was conducted in design completely randomized, with two phosphorus treatments (+P = 0,86 mMP and -P = 0,004 mMP) with 48 repeats. Plants were harvested at 15, 20, 25 and 30 days of age for determine dry biomass, relation shoot/root,
total leaf area, root length (total and specific), soluble P inorganic (leaf), total P, also were determined the absorption of P (PAE),
distribution index of P and use efficiency P(PUE). According to the results, were observed a reductions 61,3% leaf area, 61,74% in dry shoot biomass, and 50,19% in dry root biomass following reductions in leaf soluble Pi and total P under -P. On the other hand, at 20 days of age the root length increased in -P, and were larger (2,44 times) as compared to the +P plants . Under deficient phosphorus conditions, the plants showed high P absorption and use efficient P. These results suggest that this species combines morphological and physiological strategies that contribute to the tolerance to phosphorus deficiency.
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Copyright (c) 2011 Giovanna F. Santana M., Jocelyne Ascencio
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