Evaluation of color and location preference of trips within a commercial string beans culture
Thrips palmi Karny field location and color trap preference were sampled in two sowing cycles of beans, Phaseolus vulgaris L., by placement of colored sticky traps (blue, white, yellow and violet) in fields separating into quadrants according to the cardinal points. A randomized design was used in both sowing cycles. Tukey tests showed statistically different groups (P<0.05) for color evaluation in the first cycle, with white traps showing the highest average catch (85.08, n= 59) of the four groups. Catch location was higher in the north (NW: 55.02, n= 58, NE: 58, 07, n= 60) than the southwest and southeast positions. For the second cycle, white and violet (W= 33.67 and V= 29.65, n= 48) did not differ significantly from each other, but differed from blue and yellow and three statistically different orientation were observed: east (SE: 22.21 and NE: 21.50, n= 48), southwest and northwest. In a third cycle, color preference and trap condition were evaluated, with white and violet, new and used traps, using a random block design. A χ2 test was highly significant for catch rates, with the greatest with the new, white, traps (40.16). Thus color, condition and trap location influence the effectiveness of collecting this species T. palmi.
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Copyright (c) 2011 María del C. Sánchez, Rosana Figueroa, Arístides Campos, Roberto Romero

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