Environmentally sensitive areas to desertification in the Callecitas microbasin, Guarico State
Desertification is the consequence of an active set of processes in arid, semiarid and dry subhumid environmet. We evaluated the Callecitas microbasin which is important tributary of the El Castrero river, which provides water to San Juan de Los Morros Guárico State and the Camatagua reservoir. Areas were environmentally sensitive defined to desertification (AASD), grouping the indicators into four qualities that define soil quality, climate, vegetation and management. The approach used is based on characteristics which can be easily taken in the field or be found in previous works. The attributes described were: soil texture, parent material, rock fragments on the surface, slope gradient, soil depth, rainfall distribution, vegetation fire risk, vegetation protection against soil erosion, drought vegetation resistance, plant coverage, land-use intensity and policies implementation for soil protection. A geographical information system was used to generate the final ESAD map, as well as maps of the attributes previously mentioned. The results show that 69.2% of the area has critical levels of sensitivity to desertification, while 30.3% is fragile. There was no evidence of risk-free zones, with overgrazing, steep slopes; natural vegetation is very poor and intensive annual crops causes that promote the degradation of land.
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Copyright (c) 2010 Bestalia Flores, Adriana Florentino, Jairo Ferrer, Angel Valera, Iván Maza
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.