Effect of chemical, organic and combined fertilization on the yield of the potato variety Granola
In Venezuela, the production of potato, Solanum tuberosum L., normally requires the applications of a great number of mineral fertilizers (MF) and organic amendments (OA) which represent an important part of the production costs of this crop, so it is necessary to develop strategies to decrease them. We carried out an experiment at Pernia town, Vargas county in Táchira State, to evaluate the response of potato (variety Granola) to the application of 5 treatment of chemical fertilization (control without fertilizer; NPK, NPK + Mg; NPK + Mg + B and NPK + B) and 3 levels of organic fertilization (0,5 and 10 t.ha-1 of chicken manure), 3 repetitions each. The experimental site is located at 1,900 m.a.s.l, with annual precipitation mean of 900 mm, and a temperature between 12 and 17 ºC. The soil is an Orthents, located in the premontane humid forest life zone according to Holdridge, Soil texture is Fa. The results showed that the highest yield was found with the application of NPK + Mg (38.39 t.ha-1), followed by NPK + B (35.90 t.ha-1) and 5 t.ha-1 of chicken manure (P≤0,01). There were no significant differences in the potato yield when it was fertilized with 5 and 10 t of chicken manure (34.77 y 36.10 t.ha-1, respectively), however at the level of 0 t.ha-1 of chicken manure the yield is smaller 22.55 t.ha-1. When placing the chemical fertilizer and the organic amendment were splitted, yield not different from the whole dose application at the time of seedtime.
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