Influence of the pruning and potassium nitrate and potassium tiosulphate application over the handle in maracaibo, venezuela. II. Production and efficiency index
The pruning influence and potassium nitrate (KNO ) and potassium thiosulphate (TSK) application were evaluated over the production and efficiency index of the handling variety Irwin and Tommy Atkins. The research was carried at Centro Frutícola (CENFRUZU), Zulia State, Venezuela. The treatment corresponds to a factorial design of pruning at 2 levels (with and without pruning) and flowering inductors at 2 levels (KNO at 6% and TSK at 1%) with control without pruning and not inductors. A factorial design was used, with 2 treatments of pruning at 2 levels (with and without pruning), 2 flowering inductor levels (KNO 6% and TSK 1%), also was used a control, without pruning and inductor. The treatments were located at random using 2 varieties: Irwin and Tommy Atkins with 4 plants per treatment. For each cycle, 2 essays were realized, named early and late induction. It was evaluated production variables, production, and efficiency index KNO3 treatments combine with pruning increased 8 fruits number and was 6.5weight fruits for Irwin during early induction; for this variety increased fruits number at 212% and 210% at weight fruits during late induction. KNO3 without pruning increased 315% fruits number at 315% and 303% in weight fruits in Tommy Atkins during early induction. The results of this research showed that KNO3 combined with pruning over Irwin reached the best behavior characteristics, and productive indexes, during both inductions over booth varieties compared with other applied treatments.
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Copyright (c) 2009 Osmar Quijada R., Baudilio Herrero V., Rosa González, Angel Casanova

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