Evaluation of different sources of carbohydrates and medium of support for the in vitro multiplication of rootstock tolerant to citrus tristeza virus
The use of the sugars xylose, fructose, and 10X20F, as substitutes for sucrose, was evaluated in terms of effects on the number and height of shoots, the number of leaves, roots per shoot, and rooting shoots in rootstocks of the Citrus “tristeza” virus (CTV) resistant lemon varieties Citrus volkameriana, Citrumelo swingle and C-35. The explants were cultured in vermiculite and in agar in order to concurrently compare the effects of these different culture media. An average of two shoots per explant was observed in all three species in all three carbohydrate treatments. Shoot height, number of leaves per shoot, and number of roots in both culture media, were not found to be significantly different (P<0.05). A higher percentage of rooting shoots was observed in the sucrose and 10X20F treatments in both culture media (99-100%). Treatments utilizing xylose and fructose showed a response of 75-89% rooting. The results showed that neither carbohydrate source nor culture medium had a significant effect on in vitro multiplication, but that shoot height was higher in the rootstock of C. volkameriana.
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Copyright (c) 2009 María de Jesús Mertínez-Hernández, Alejandrp Alonso López, Francisco Osorio-Acosta, Felipe Gallardo López, Héctor López Moctezuma, Martín Mata Rosas

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