Acclimatization of three legume species by biohardening with beneficial microorganisms
Calopogonium sp., Stylosanthes capitata and Cassia moschata are legumes whose seeds have high protein content and long dormancy. In vitro culture is used as an alternative of propagation. The procedure known as biohardening is used to improve plant adaptation to the terrestrial environment. The objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of inoculation with beneficial microorganisms in the acclimatization of these species of legumes. Sixteen plants from each of the three legume species obtained from in vitro germination were selected for each treatment. For their acclimatization, plants were sown on a substrate, in 250 mL containers. The inoculation treatments were: Glomeromycota fungi (AMF), inoculation with Glomeromycota and Rhizobium phaseoli fungi (AMF + R) and control without microorganisms (WM). After five months plant survival was determined. 16 % of Calopogonium sp. plants survived after five months, showed 85 nodules.plant-1, for AMF + R treatment and 40 % mycorrhizal colonization in the AMF treatment, which favored its acclimatization. S. capitata showed 25 % of survival with AMF, showed fewer nodules (5 nodules.plant-1) with AMF + R and had insufficient roots to quantify mycorrhizal colonization. C. moschata inoculated with AMF reached 13 % survival and did not form nodules. The inoculation with microorganisms was differentially beneficial in the acclimatization of these legumes and its effect was enhanced with the double inoculation HMA + R. The acclimatization of plants obtained in vitro is vital for their definitive establishment and is different for each species.
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