Charaterization of 24 accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and three of P. lunatus L.
Plant genetic resources represent the basic germplasm of genetic improvement of crops. The objective of the present work was to characterize of 24 accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and three of P. lunatus L. These are from different regions of Venezuela and conserved in the Leguminous Germplasm Bank of INIA-CENIAP. The assay was established in the town of Ipure, Acosta municipality, Monagas state. Each accession was planted in a row of 3 m, with a distance between rows of 0.60 m and 0.20 m between plants, placing two seeds per point. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics were evaluated in 10 plants selected at random by accession, with descriptors of CIAT and IPGRI. Hierarchical clustering analysis and average Euclidean distance was performed with the quantitative characteristics number of pods per plant (NVP), the number of seeds per pod (NSV) and weight of 100 seeds for the conformation of the groups. Also the descriptive statistic of the conformed groups. The data was processed through the InfoStat® program. The purple color of the flower predominated in 85.19%. The 62.96% of the accessions showed ndeterminate growth habit. In the characteristics of the seeds it was found that 77.78% are small, 81.48% black, with opaque intensity brightness (96.30%). The shape of the seed was the one with the greatest variation, although 74.07% straight kidney on the side of the thread. The cluster analysis allowed differentiates seven groups. Two accessions of P. vulgaris and one of P. lunatus were distinguished from the rest.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Oralys León-Brito, Delvalle Mark, Ramiro De La Cruz
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