Germplasm of musáceas in Venezuela: Review of its taxonomic classification
Edible musaceas are the product of natural mutations or crosses, between Musa acuminata (Musa AA) and Musa balbisiana (Musa BB), and because of their high nutritional value, they are located among the most important crops and fruits. Currently, few clones, such as Cavendish banana, dominate the commercial production, worldwide, restricting the variability, and consequently increasing the vulnerability, to extremely dangerous diseases, such as the sigatoka black or yellow, and Fusarium oxysporum sp. cubense (Race 4), has been cataloged as the most fearsome, in the history of the Musaceae. The germplasm banks could help solve these problems by being a reservoir of genes, which can be used in genetic improvement, as a food security strategy. This work was carried out with the purpose of making known the most important traits of the musa germplasm in Venezuela, and to indicate general taxonomic features of the accessions that make up the Germplasm Bank of INIA-CENIAP, Maracay, Venezuela. The general taxonomic traits of the accessions are indicated. 136 accessions were clasificated. It allowed evidencing the existence of 10 diploids, 89 triploids, 12 tetraploids and, 25 indeterminates. There are clones of strategic importance for breeding programs and to promote diversity in musaceae production in the country, therefore, their conservation and documentation are vital for food security.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Gustavo Martínez, Edward Manzanilla, Rafael Pargas
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